Rotterdam designprijs 2011
Museum Boijmans van Beuningen Rotterdam
Stichting Designprijs Rotterdam
Year design
more information on www.designprijs.nl
Jeanne van Heeswijk | Freehouse
Through the Freehouse project, Jeanne van Heeswijk has made the residents and
businesspeople of Rotterdam’s Afrikaanderwijk aware of their neighbourhood’s cultural wealth
and economic potential. She has come up with an intelligent way of getting them excited about working together on events and products that represent the local culture. The Markt van Morgen (Market of Tomorrow) is now well known, and Rotterdam has gained another world-class destination.
Waag Society | Open design
For years, Waag Society has been the chief proponent of open design in the Netherlands. The
organisation plays a pioneering role, identifying, studying and fostering possibilities by initiating projects such as the Open Design Lab and making possible places like Fablab Amsterdam and the Dialogue Café. Waag Society helps people to imagine new possibilities in design, manufacturing and the use of objects. Sharing information and data means sharing culture. Open design is the future!